5th Circuit

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 02.11.22

* The 5th Circuit effectively ruled that the Constitution is unconstitutional. Calling balls and strikes is one thing, but I think they just tackled the team mascot. [Slate] * The Senate just passed a bill ending forced arbitration for workplace sexual assault claims. Hurry up with that signature, Biden! [CNN] * Utah just made it a lot easier for about half a million folks with non-violent criminal records to move on with their lives. First Pennsylvania, now Utah. Who’s next? [Salt Lake Tribune] * Penn Law is having a conference discussing pre-textual traffic stops and searches. Drop in — it’s virtual and you might be able to catch it live! [Penn Live] * Been looking for something to bore your friends with the next time they try to bring up watching Euphoria? I'm sure they'll love to hear about a review of last year's developments in antitrust. [WSGR]